Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Change Package Life Cycle

Changeman is a version control tool used for manages and automates the process of migrating software changes or applications from a development environment to any test environment and then to the production environment.

Features of Changeman:

Ø  Provides notifications in a timely manner.
Ø  Maintains all historical information in a single repository.
Ø  Unique package concept guarantees the coordination of your entire change.

Step 1 (Create process): A Change Package contains all of the elements to be edited and installed into production, and is identified by a unique package ID automatically generated by Change Man. When a Change Package is created, the information that Change Man needs in order to track and control the package is entered. This includes the implementation instructions, whether it is a temporary or permanent change, the installation date and time, etc.

Step 2 (Checkout): The typical next step is to Checkout components from baseline. With checkout, components from your baseline libraries are copied to either a Change Man staging library or to a personal development library where changes can be made.

Step 3 (Staged): Package components are now ready to be Staged. In the stage process the user can make all the changes or modifications required to all components. For source components, staging will ordinarily run the appropriate translation procedure to create associated load modules. Components such as documentation or copy members are simply copied into the staging libraries, if they aren't there already.

Step 4 (Audit): Depending on the installation, the Change Package must pass an Audit before Freeze. The audit process ensures that no unexpected problems will occur. For example, if a component in the production library has been changed since it was checked out, Change Man alerts you to the problem by creating an out-of-synch condition for the package.

Step 5 (Freeze):  After successfully passing the audit, the next step is to Freeze the Change Package. This locks the package (prohibiting further changes), and makes the package available for the promotion and approval processes.

Step 6 (Promote): Promotion is an optional step. After successfully staging all components in the Change Package, the Change Package may then be Promoted. Promotion allows a Change Package to be moved through various levels of testing (e.g. promote from system testing to acceptance testing).

Step 7 (Approval):  Once all of the necessary Approvals have been gathered by Change Man, the package is ready to be installed. If the Manual installation method was selected when the package was created, the package will be installed immediately after the final approver has approved it. If the CMN method (Change Man's internal scheduler) was selected, Change Man will automatically install the package on the date and time specified at package creation. If an external scheduler is used (e.g. CA7, ESP, ZEKE, JOBTRAC, etc.), Change Man will convey the install information to that scheduler so that it can install the Change Package.

Step 8 (Baseline Ripple): Once the package has been installed, Change Man will perform the Baseline Ripple. Baseline Ripple is the process that Change Man executes to version all package components, i.e.: 0 becomes -1, -1 becomes -2, -2 becomes -3, etc. and the new baseline 0 version is installed.